Leeds East Academy


Year 11 Support 


As our Year 11 students progress through their final year at Leeds East Academy and begin to prepare for GCSE examinations, we will ensure that they are supported both academically and pastorally to finish their journey with us successfully and are prepared their next steps in further education and careers. The below provides an overview of what will be provided and implemented over the remainder of this academic year.

Support and Intervention

We are committed to ensuring that every young person has access to the resources and support they need so that they leave Leeds East Academy having achieved success and the qualifications they require to move to the next stage of their journey. To accomplish this, subject specialists provide students with a host of bespoke and targeted intervention opportunities based on individual needs to support their progress to achieve strong academic outcomes.

It is important that students utilise these opportunities. 

Before and After School Intervention

 The academy provides a comprehensive before and after school intervention offer, targeting key knowledge and skills. Morning sessions take place prior to the start of the academy day from 8:00am – 8:30am, and afternoon sessions commence at the end of the day from 3:00pm – 3:45pm.

Please encourage your child to utilise these additional opportunities. 

Please click here to see the timetable. 

GCSE Examinations - Dates 2024-2025 (draft)

Draft timetable for 2024/25 here.

February Mock Exams


Guardian Time 

Period 1 

Period 2 


Period 3 


Period 4 

Period 5 

w/b Monday 27th January 

Spanish Speaking Exams 

30min slots per pupil 

Monday 3rd February 

English Language Paper 1 

1hr 45mins 




Sport Studies 

1hr 15mins 

Tuesday 4th February 






Biology Paper 2 

1hr 10mins/1hr 45mins 

Wednesday 5th February 

Maths Paper 1 

1hr 30mins 




Geography Paper 2 

1hr 30mins 

Thursday 6th February 

English Literature Paper 1 

1hr 45mins 




Spanish Writing 

F – 1hr/H – 1hr 10mins 

Friday 7th February 

Further Maths Paper 1/Drama 

1hr 45mins/1hr 30mins 




Chemistry Paper 2 

1hr 10mins/1hr 45mins 

Monday 10th February 

Health & Social Care 





Maths Paper 2 

1hr 30mins 

Tuesday 11th February 

English Language Paper 2 

1hr 45mins 




Computer Science 

1hr 30mins 

Wednesday 12th February 

Religious Studies Paper 2/Further Maths Paper 2 

1hr 45mins 




Physics Paper 1 

1hr 10mins/1hr 45mins 

Thursday 13th February 

English Literature Paper 2 

1hr 45mins 





1hr 45mins 

Friday 14th February 

Spanish Reading & Listening 

F: 1hr 30mins/H: 2hrs 




Maths Paper 3 

1hr 30mins 

Subject Assessment Overview 



Exam Board & Link to Specification


English Language 


Exam Paper 1: 1 hour 45 minutes

Exam Paper 2: 1 hour 45 minutes

English Literature 


Exam Paper 1: 1 hour 45 minutes

Exam Paper 2: 2 hours 15 minutes



Tiered: Foundation & Higher

Exam Paper 1: 1 hour 30 minutes (Non-calculator)

Exam Paper 2: 1 hour 30 minutes (Calculator)

Exam Paper 3:  1 hour 30 minutes (Calculator)

Science Combined 


Tiered: Foundation & Higher

Exam Paper 1: Biology 1 - 1 hour 10 minutes

Exam Paper 2: Chemistry 1 - 1 hour 10 minutes

Exam Paper 3: Physics 1 - 1 hour 10 minutes

Exam Paper 4: Biology 2 - 1 hour 10 minutes

Exam Paper 5: Chemistry 2 - 1 hour 10 minutes

Exam Paper 6: Physics 2 - 1 hour 10 minutes



Exam Paper 1: 1 hour 45 minutes

Exam Paper 2: 1 hour 45 minutes



Exam Paper 1: 1 hour 30 minutes

Exam Paper 2: 1 hour 30 minutes

Exam Paper 3: 1 hour 30 minutes



Exam Paper 1: 1 hour 20 minutes

Exam Paper 2: 1 hour 50 minutes

Exam Paper 3: 1 hour 30 minutes



Tiered: Foundation & Higher (F/H)

Exam Paper 1: Listening –35 minute/45 minutes

Paper 2: Speaking

Exam Paper 3: Reading –55 minutes/1 hour

Exam Paper 4: Writing –1 hour 10 minutes/1 hour 15 minutes



Component 1: Portfolio

Component 2: Externally Set Assignment – this will include a preparatory period and 10 hours of supervised time 



Controlled Assessment 1

Controlled Assessment 2

Exam Assessment: 1 hour 30 minutes 



3 controlled assessments 

Health & Social 

Pearson BTEC Tech

Controlled Assessment 1

Controlled Assessment 2

Exam Assessment: 2 hours 


OCR Cambridge National BTEC 

Controlled Assessment 1

Controlled Assessment 2

Exam Assessment: 1 hour 15 minutes 



Component 1: Portfolio

Component 2: Externally Set Assignment – this will include a preparatory period and 10 hours of supervised time 



Exam Paper 1: 1 hour 30 minutes

Exam Paper 2: 1 hour 30 minutes

Religious Studies 


Exam Paper 1: 1 hour 45 minutes

Exam Paper 2: 1 hour 45 minutes

Information for Candidates

The following documents provide advice and guidance for students so they understand the exam process and do not put themselves at risk of malpractice.

Candidate Exam Handbook 2024/25 

Information for Candidates - Coursework 

Information for Candidates - Non-examination Assessments 

Information for Candidates - Written Exams 

Information for Candidates - Social Media 

JCQ AI Poster 

Preparing to sit your Exams

Revision and Preparation Platforms

Online Resources

Students have individual login details for the below resources.  These online platforms can be utilised at any time for directed home learning or independent study and revision.

Century: https://www.century.tech

Century Tech is an online learning platform that specialises in personalised learning. It utilises artificial intelligence and data analytics to create tailored learning pathways for students. The platform adapts to each student's strengths, weaknesses, and learning pace, providing them with individualised support and feedback.


Century Tech offers a range of features, including interactive content, assessments, and progress tracking. Its AI algorithms analyses student performance to identify areas for improvement and recommend targeted resources. This approach aims to enhance student engagement, comprehension, and overall academic success.


Students complete diagnostic assessments for each subject and following these, Century Tech directs students to mini lessons called nuggets to close the gaps in knowledge.

English Language

English Literature





GCSEPod: https://www.gcsepod.com

GCSEPod is an online learning platform designed to support students studying for their GCSEs. It provides access to a wide range of multimedia resources, including audio-visual podcasts, exam-style questions, and revision materials, covering subjects across the GCSE curriculum.


The platform offers bite-sized content that is specifically tailored to the GCSE syllabus, making it easier for students to understand and revise key concepts. GCSEPod aims to enhance learning outcomes by providing engaging and accessible resources that cater to different learning styles.


Students can access GCSEPod through various devices, such as computers, tablets, and smartphones, allowing for convenient study sessions anytime, anywhere. The platform also includes features like progress tracking and performance analytics to help students monitor their revision efforts and identify areas for improvement.

English Language

English Literature





Computer Science



Sparx Maths: https://sparxmaths.com

Sparx Maths is an online learning platform that focuses on providing personalised learning in mathematics. The Sparx Maths platform utilises adaptive learning technology, which tailors the learning experience to the individual needs and abilities of each student.


The platform offers a comprehensive curriculum covering various topics in mathematics, aligned with national educational standards. It provides interactive lessons, practice exercises, and assessments designed to engage students and help them develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts.


Sparx Maths uses data analytics and artificial intelligence to track student progress and identify areas where they may need additional support or challenge. This allows teachers to provide targeted interventions and support to students based on their specific learning needs.


The goal of Sparx Maths is to improve students' mathematical proficiency and confidence by providing them with personalised learning experiences that cater to their individual strengths and weaknesses. By adapting to each student's learning pace and style, Sparx Maths aims to help students achieve better academic outcomes in mathematics.


Other Online Resources



An excellent resource for exam paper practise – the website has papers which can be completed online. The website marks this when answers are submitted.

There are video talk throughs for every exam paper.

·         This website can be accessed without registering. Registering is free and if your child does this the website will track work completed and identify areas for development



Topics are split up into grades to support pupils in working towards their individual target

Every topic includes:

- Video

- Exam questions booklet

- Solutions



Students sign up with their own personal email using the links below.

This is exam board specific so you must sign up following the Edexcel course.

BBC Bitesize

Revision materials for Art & Design, Business, Combined & Separate Sciences, Computer Science, Drama, English Language & Literature, Geography, History, Mathematics, Physical Education, Religious Studies & Spanish

Effective Revision Strategies 


(Research taken from https://www.learningscientists.org/)

Here are the six most effective revision strategies and techniques according to current research. You should use these strategies to maximise the impact of the time you spend revising for all of the subjects you are studying. They are listed in order of impact on results (i.e. spaced practice will have the biggest impact on your progress).

Spaced Practice Retrieval Elaboration
It is vital to spread out revision over several weeks before any assessments. You should space your revision out in plenty of time before any assessment – cramming before a test is less effective and knowledge will not be remembered in the long term. Evidence shows that you remember significantly more if you revise for the same amount of time if it is spaced out compared to revising for the same duration in a short space of time just before the assessment. This involves recreating something you have previously learned from your memory (not copying directly from your exercise books or revision guide). This needs to be spaced out (see above) so you have had a chance to forget it just a little. Practising retrieval makes it easier to remember, and apply, your knowledge in the future.
A particularly effective way to use retrieval and spaced practice is to organise flashcards according to how well you can retrieve the information.
This involves explaining and describing ideas with many details. To practice this skill, start by making a list of all of the ideas you need to know. Then, keep asking questions about how these ideas work and why and find answers in your exercise books and revision guides. Self-interrogation like this highlights what you already know, what you need to focus on learning next and encourages you to make connections between different ideas.
Presentation / Poster Presentation / Poster Presentation / Poster
Interleaving Concrete Examples Dual Coding
Research shows that switching between topics whilst revising helps both knowledge retention (remembering information) and problem solving (applying this knowledge to new and potentially challenging situations). This switching is called interleaving. Interleaving also helps you see the similarities, and differences, between ideas. Concrete examples: This involves turning abstract ideas into real world examples. Creating a vivid, concrete example can help knowledge stick better. In science, teachers may use a seesaw to explain balancing moments and in English Romeo & Juliet provide a concrete example of romantic love. Make sure to explain how the concrete example explains the concept so you don’t just learn the example itself! Dual Coding: This involves combining verbal and visual materials, including timelines, diagrams and cartoon strips. Having the information in two formats gives your brain two ways to remember this. For example, drawing a timeline will help you organise events in history or in the plot of a story. A labelled diagram can be really helpful in science or geography. You can use dual coding with retrieval when you try to recreate your visuals from memory.
Presentation / Poster Presentation / Poster Presentation / Poster



The Leeds East Academy Revision Guide is now available both online and as a handy printed reference guide.

The guide been created to help students achieve the best possible exam results this summer. Putting plans in place now and spreading revision over the coming weeks will be much more effective than trying to cram your revision immediately before your exams.


To view or download a printer-friendly PDF of the guide, click here.

Tips from ActionJacksonUK

ActionJacksonUK is a motivational speaker and youth coach. His number one passion is to make everyone into a champion. Click on the two videos for hints and tips on how to succeed:


Managing Exam Stress

Please find a useful guide below for managing exam stress, which provides tips and hints on how to combat any potential fears.

Managing Exam Stress Guide